mardi 4 septembre 2012

The Bornean Transformation Project

[wpcol_1half id="" class="" style=""]The Bornean Transformation Project-TBTP, is a project about us (Tintin & Tikka) who transform ourselves into a Bornean, by making the rainforest our future home.


我们从打算在一起时就开始寻寻觅觅,从小房搬到大房,从巴黎搬到农村,差点移民到澳洲开了四千里路去找一块土地 ,希望能有一个固定地址来收所有的邮件,最后决定搬回Sabah. 有人问说我又不是Sabah人干吗说回Sabah,我想我走到这么远后才心干情愿回国,我只能说我就是搬回 Sabah。到时可能还要居無定所一两年,才能在 Sabah 的 Sukau扎下根,但至少是终结了一场大迷藏



[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id="" class="" style=""]Screen-shot-2013-01-20-at-5.25.14-PM[/wpcol_1half_end]



3 commentaires:

  1. Ok , c est tous vos liens vers Bornéo ? Pas encore de photos de vous ?

  2. Comme vous êtes beau en Bornéens!!
    Continue d'envoyer des photos de vos aventures et explorations!!

  3. Garrett Hunter24 mars 2013 à 06:55

    Amazing news Tikka, and Tintin, making your dream a reality, you can do it. If you ever need any help with things like drawings or plans let me know. Good luck. Love G.
